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5 Important Tips Student Must Know About Final Year Research Project

As a student if you you are in final year level definitely among the most compulsory curricular activities include research project writing, which provided a documented written research about a certain problem regarding to the field that you are studying.

In this post I will discuss about the major important things that you need  to know as a student in order to achieve your academic goal when it comes to your final year research project. but first let us see what is a research project.

 Meaning of Final Year Research Project

A research project is an organized and systematic investigation into a specific problem with the aim of discovering a desired answer to the particular question or topic.

According to Wikipedia the word research itself means:

Research is “creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge“.[1] It involves the collection, organization and analysis of evidence to increase understanding of a topic, characterized by a particular attentiveness to controlling sources of bias and error. These activities are characterized by accounting and controlling for biases.

Research projects involves a process of collecting data from a source, analyzing, the data into a meaningful manner and interpreting data in order to answer a research question.

Mostly it is done after passing many courses in high levels or universities and it is mandatory for every study to do it before graduating.

Below are some of the most common types of projects.

Types of Research Projects:

  • Basic Research
  • Applied Research
  • Quantitative Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Experimental Research
  • Observational Research
  • Descriptive Research
  • Longitudinal Research
  • Cross-Sectional Research

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explanation of research project and it types for final year student

Basic Research

Basic Research is conducted in a way that it can enhance scientific knowledge without specific applications, that is it provide information about the topic or problem.

The aim of this research project is to  aims to expand understanding of fundamental principles  about the problem and theories for the purpose of clear understanding.

Among the example of this kind of research project may include  research exploring the properties of materials or the behavior of certain molecules.

Applied Research

In terms of applied research it is a project that was been designed in order to solve practical problems or address specific issues of the topic. The  aim is to provide solutions in areas such as technology, medicine, Information Technology, engineering, etc. For instance, in this project a student of medicine develops a new medical treatment thereby providing ways of improving it.

Quantitative Research

Involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to understand relationships, patterns, or phenomena. It often uses statistical methods and surveys to gather information.

Qualitative Research

Quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to understand the phenomena. It’s a systematic way of  investigation which can easily been characterized by measurable variables using statistical methods in order to attain a useful and meaningful results.

This kind of research used huge sample size and a well presented data using tables and charts therby providing a meaningful explanation of the presented data.

Experimental Research

Experimental research is a kind of project that the students done in order to sort out the relationships that arises, thereby explaining cause and effect of the outcome.

Mostly Experimental research involves manipulating variables to observe their effects, which often takes place in a controlled settings that aims to establish cause-and-effect relationships, for example samples can be given and there is a need for you to explain the relationships that arises between them

Observational Research

Another type of research is observational research which involves observing and recording behaviors of the ,things how are they behaving and their characteristics without any intervention. It can include naturalistic observation or structured observations in specific settings.

Mostly this kind of research is done by scientists by which a certain thing will be given as the problem and the responsibility of the student is to observe the behavior of it and provide a meaningful conclusion about it.

Descriptive Research

this research Aims to describe characteristics, behaviors, or phenomena without attempting to manipulate or control them. Some of the most common methods that are employed in this type of research include Surveys, case studies, and content analysis.

Longitudinal Research

This research is done in order to study a phenomena over an extended period of time, it includes observing changes or developments in subjects or phenomena over time. This helps understand trends, patterns, or influences that unfold over extended periods.

Cross-Sectional Research

This research involves the process of collecting data from different individuals or groups at a single point in time. It’s useful for studying differences of things, or characteristics within a specific timeframe.


Research project is a systematic way of observing and working on a certain problem in order to achieved a desired outcome, to conduct a research there is a research project format that you can follow in order to document you chapters very well so that the reader will understand you work.


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