This project is for public health and nursing student which was been proposed about (Incidence in protein energy malnutrition among children under five years of age).
- Pages: 36
- Word: 6114
- Format: Ms word
- chapters: 1-5
Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the study
Science education is the teaching and learning of science to non-scientist, such as school children, college students, or adults within the general public, the field of science education includes work in science content, science process (the scientific method). Science teaching does not only require the attention of the course but also concerns the value of student input in understating the process of moving students from their initial state of knowledge and understanding to the desired level. The Nature of Science Biology is a science, but what exactly is science? What does the study of biology share with other scientific disciplines?
Science is a very specific way of learning, or knowing, a bout the world. The history of the past 500 years demonstrates that science is a very powerful way of knowing about the world; it is largely responsible for the technological revolutions that have taken place during this time. There are however, areas of knowledge and human experience that the methods of science cannot be applied to, these include such things as answering purely moral questions, aesthetic questions, or what can be generally categorized as spiritual questions. Science cannot investigate these areas because they are outside the realm of material phenomena, the phenomena of matter and energy, and cannot be observed and measured. The scientific method is a method of research with defined steps that include experiments and careful observation. Science includes such diverse fields as astronomy, biology, computer sciences, geology, logic, physics, chemistry and mathematics. However, those fields of science related to the physical world and its phenomena and processes are considered natural sciences. Thus, a museum of natural sciences might contain any of the items listed above. However the Basic and Applied Science, the scientific community has been debating for the last few decades about the value of different types of science. Is it valuable to pursue science for the sake of simply gaining knowledge, or does scientific knowledge only have worth if we can apply it to solving a specific problem or bettering our lives? This question focuses on the differences between two types of science:
Basic science and Applied science. Basic science or “pure” science seeks to expand knowledge regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. It is not focused on developing a product or a service of immediate public or commercial value. The immediate goal of basic science is knowledge for knowledge’s sake, though this does not mean that in the end it may not result in an application. In contrast, Applied science or “technology,” aims to use science to solve real-world problems, making it possible, for example, to improve a crop yield, find a cure for a particular disease, or save animals threatened by a natural disaster. In applied science, the problem is usually defined for the researcher. Some individuals may perceive applied science as “useful” and basic science as “useless.” A question these people might pose to a scientist advocating knowledge acquisition would be, “What for?” A careful look at the history of science, however, reveals that basic knowledge has resulted in many remarkable applications of great value. Many scientists think that a basic understanding of science is necessary before an application is developed; therefore, applied science relies on the results generated through basic science. Other scientists think that it is time to move on from basic science and instead to find solutions to actual problems. Both approaches are valid. It is true that there are problems that demand immediate attention; however, few solutions would be found with out the help of the knowledge generated through basic science. One example of how basic and applied science can work together to solve practical problems occurred after the discovery of DNA structure led to an understanding of the molecular mechanisms, governing DNA replication. Strands of DNA, unique in every human are found in our cells, where they provide the instructions necessary for life.
Central to these science is Biology. In its greatest sense, Biology is the study of living things—the science of life. Living things come in an wonderful diversity of shapes and forms, and biologists study life in many different patterns. They live with gorillas, collect fossils and listen to whales. They isolate viruses, grow mushrooms, and examine the structure of fruit flies. They read the messages encoded in the long molecules of heredity and count how many times a humming bird’s wings beat each second. What makes something “alive”? Anyone could deduce that a galloping horse is alive and a car is not, but why? We cannot say, “If it moves, it’s alive, ”because a car can move, and gelatin can wiggle in a bowl. They certainly are not alive. What characteristics do define life? All living organisms share five basic characteristics:
Tranter (2014) defined biology as the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized field to cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin and distribution of flora and fauna of a particular. Mean while . meisalo (2006) observed that biology is the study of living organism including their structure, functioning, evaluation, distribution and interrelationships. Biology is the unique discipline where experiment with living organism can take place both in the laboratory.
“For of the importance of biology in the lives of every educated citizen and its increasing eminence in the scientific explosion, it behooves professional biologists to provide a challenging scholarly and yet attractive undergraduate education both for non biologists and biologists” With this statement, many years before, Johnson (1986) pointed out the importance of biology which will have a profound impact on lives through advances for the next few decades. Biology is the science of living things among which human has the strongest place. Biological sciences stimulate human interest to find the truth with an intellectual rigor therefore has an important cultural and educational function. Accordingly, the purpose of science is “to discover the laws that govern the natural world and so increase our understanding of it” (Liras, 1994).Everyone accepts that “biology is the science of twenty-first century” .There have been many developments which form an important base for both medicine and health issues. In the past few years many issues have been biology-based such as biodiversity, genetically modified organisms, reproductive technologies, the prolongation of life (Reiss, 1998).All of these improvements meet human needs and so these times have been considered as ‘the Age of Biology’ (Jarman, Ruth,McClune and Billy; 2001).
Educators have been trying to provide a better education to the youth for a better future. A better education lies in motivating students and involving them in the process of learning. Developing individual creativity at the heart of continuous innovation, and encouraging students to use this skill in shaping their lives should be defined as the foremost goals of today’s education (Marchaim, 2001). Science educators have made studies for meaningful understanding of science disciplines. Biology is the science that studies life. From its earliest beginnings, biology has wrestled with four questions: What are the shared properties that make something “alive”? How do those various living things function? When faced with the remarkable diversity of life, how do we organize the different kinds of organisms so that we can better understand them? And, finally—what biologists ultimately seek to understand—how did this diversity arise and how is it continuing? As new organisms are detected every day, biologists continue to seek answers to these and other questions.
The science of biology is very wide in extent because there is a tremendous diversity of life on Earth. The source of this diversity is metamorphosis, the process of progressive change during which new species arise from older species. Evolutionary biologists study the evolution of living things in everything from the microscopic world to ecosystems. In the 18th century, a scientist named Carl Linnaeus first proposed organizing the known species of organisms into a hierarchical taxonomy. In this system, species that are most similar to each other are put together within a grouping known as a genus. Furthermore, similar genera (the plural of genus) are put together within a family. These grouping continues until all organisms are collected together into groups at the highest level. The current taxonomic system now has eight levels in its hierarchy, from lowest to highest, they are: species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain. Thus species are grouped within genera, genera are grouped within families, families are grouped within orders, and so on. As important as Science generally is and biology in particular students at the secondary school level fluctuates in their achievement in Biology. The question remains, What are the area of difficulty in learning biology .This is focus of this study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The study tries to investigate into the areas of difficulty in learning biology subject as perceived by students and teacher in senior secondary school in katsina metropolis. Due to the increasing nature of poor academic performance among senior secondary school students in Biology especially in external examinations like the West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE), many educationists tend to shift the blame on the teaching methodology adopted by teachers and lack of funds from the government to provide quality textbooks. Also the poor performance in Biology by the students is largely argued by researchers and scholars to be as a result of some topics in Biology which most students find difficult to understand consequently most could not pass Biology examination. However, these might not be the main reasons why students perform poorly in examinations. Observations and interactions with students indicate that although, the general view is that Biology is the easiest science subject to learn in comparison to other science subject subjects offer in senior secondary school, yet most senior secondary school students in Biology have problems with Biology Curriculum which might lead to their poor academic performance. Hence, the need to investigate into the areas of difficulty in learning biology subject as perceived by students and teacher in senior secondary school, and possibly aid in finding solution to students’ poor academic performance in Biology and help in the improvement of the quality of education.
However the nature and causes of the difficulties experienced by students in biology are not well known, therefore there is need to investigate into the area of difficulty in learning biology subject as perceived by students and teacher in senior secondary school, very little research of this nature has been done in Nigeria especially katsina State. The researcher also observed that once the teachers have difficulty in understanding certain biology topics, he/she will not be able to teach such topics to the good understanding of the students hence such teacher is likely to avoid such topic and students are likely not understand the area of the biology curriculum not taught by the teachers and the students may even not prepare well for external examination in such topics. These might lead to poor performance in the senior secondary certificate examination as the syllabus and question are based on the senior secondary education curriculum.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The research is to achieve the following objectives:
- To settle the area of difficulty in learning biology as recognize by students.
- To determine the area of difficulty in learning biology as perceived by teachers.
- Examine factors responsible for the difficulties in biology and its impact on academic achievement.
1. 4 Research Questions
- 1. What is the perception of students on the area of difficulty in learning biology ?
- What are the perception of teachers on the area of difficulty in learning biology?
- What are the factors responsible for the difficulties ?
1.6 Research Hypothesis
- H0 1- There is no area of difficulty in learning biology as perceived by students.
- H0 2- There is no area of difficulty in learning biology as perceived by teachers.
- H0 3- There are no factors responsible for the difficulties.
1.5 Basic Assumption of the Study
The following were the assumptions made for this research;
There is need to understand the topic that is in biology so that causes that are very difficult to learn should be rearrange or proper arrangement should be made for the pending issue.
1.7 Significance of the Study
This study intended to investigate into the areas of difficulty in learning biology subject as perceived by students and teacher in senior secondary school in katsina metropolis.. It will therefore benefit the following when completed, teachers, students, researchers, examination bodies, government and curriculum planners.
A lot of research has been done on students difficulties in learning biology across the globe generally. However, not much research according to the literature has been done on students learning difficulties in biology in katsina state Nigeria.
The study will be important to katsina state government especially the ministry of education that runs the educational sector in marking effort to improve the standard of education in the state. This research will perhaps serve as a bench mark of solving the problems that have been bedeviling educational sector.
The funding and recommendations would be of great value to the biology teachers and students as well to improve the performance of the students in biology.
This study therefore is very important as it will provide useful data on the students learning biology. It is hoped that data from this study may be useful to policy markers and curriculum designers in the ministry of education who may prescribe some changes in teaching methods. The study will help the teachers of biology to develop the zeal of teaching the subject and to know the problems and find out their appropriate solutions, It will also help the students of biology to understand the need to study hard because of some difficulties in learning biology, It will help the subsequent researchers that may carry out a similar study, This will also help the examination bodies in setting standardize test/exam, Through the finding of this research work, the government is able to see the impact of the learning difficulties and its effect so that adequate supply should be made, It is also hoping that the analysis of these problems will contribute immensely to reconstruction the curriculum so that it will takes into cognizance the pending situation. The results of the study would equally be useful to educational institutions, school heads, teachers of biology and other stake holders who may wish to improve classroom teaching and learning. It is also hoped that this study will motivate other scholars to carry out similar research into students learning and others science subjects or scale up this work beyond katsina metropolis.
1.8 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This research is delimited to some selected secondary schools The study could not cover the whole secondary schools in Katsina state due to financial and time factor. This makes the researcher to limit himself by making sample of some secondary schools in Katsina metropolis. with emphasis on teachers and students of biology,
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
Terms used in the study are operationally defined thus, the terms used in this study can be seen below:
Biology: is the scientific study of living organisms plant and animals
Learning Difficulties in Biology: this refers to the situation were by students or the learning will have serious problems in learning the concept
Education: is defined as the total complete and positive psychomotor perspective, intellectually, morally, socially, emotionally, attitudinally and so on. It also defined as process of learning to live as a useful person.
Performance: It is also defined as the act of doing something.
Biology Teaching: Refers to system of imparting the knowledge of biology to the learners in a classroom setting by the teacher.
Effectiveness in Teaching: This is the accurate and appropriate way of imparting, causing change in positive behavior of the learner in an acceptable way in the teaching profession
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