Understanding the format of writing chapter one in research is among the best decision in your research journey, because Chapter one in a research project is the first section of your work and knowing how to write it well will help you in witting the rest of the chapters.
Although the format or steps of witting chapter one in final year school project sometimes differs but here we will discussed about the most common and popular known method that most of the student follow in writing project whether the student is writing a final year project for undergraduate, masters or even PHD students.
Table of Contents
Aims of Writing Chapter One in Research Project
Chapter one in research work is known as Introduction, it is the first chapter in a project that introduces or highlight your work by explaining the aims and objectives of the topic you choose to make a project based on.
It is a chapter that is written in a way the reader can easily understand the what the project is all about by explaining some of the main points of the work and the rest are explain in the other part of the work.
Steps to Write Chapter One
- Background of the study
- Statement of the problem
- objective of the study or objectives of the study
- Significance of the study
- Theoretical framework
- Research Question
- Research hypothesis
- Limitation of the Study
- Delimitation of the study
- Definition of operational terms
- References
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Background of the Study
Is the introduction of a research project that tells the reader the historical background of your topic here you need to explain the background of the work and also explain the state of your work, citation can be also included here for the reader to have an idea about your topic.
So in general background of the study explains the importance of your work which includes a brief overview of the topic being studied.
Statement of the problem
Here the reader will be well stated for the reader to understand its importance and why it should be addressed, there by explaining the consequences of not tackling the problem
Beside clarifying the problem there is a need to outline the importance or benefits of the work in academic field, thereby explaining the novelty or the uniqueness of the study.
Objectives of the Study
There is a need to explain the purpose of the study or project in a way that you make sure you clearly stated your hypothesis and answer the question in the problem of statement.
Significant of the Study
Significant of the study describe the relevance of your work, you should try to link the relevance of the project an area that will provide enough explanation of the research.
Theoretical Framework
This section provides an information based on the theories related to your work. you need to provide a theory based on your research topic. for example if you are writing a based on atom you can sort out Dalton’s Atomic Theory.
Research Question
Research Question is formulated in such a way that it clearly stated and explains your objectives of the study, it is structured in a way that is provide a meaningful answer.
Research Hypothesis
In most cases research hypothesis are assumptions that are written in a project in a form of phrase, it is an assumption written from research objectives and research question, it is an assumption that need to be tested continuously through the project.
Limitations of the study
In this Section you need to put down the weakness or challenges that you are facing whgile conducting the your research project. Limitations can come in many form be it the lack of time, bad roads, nature or habit of the people, lack of enough finance, inefficient instruments and all obstacles that hinders your research need to be written in this section.
Delimitation of the study
Delimitation of the study explain the areas you are using while conducting a research, because some of the topics are broad and having a wide area, so you need to explain the length that it covers.
Definition of Operational Terms
In your research work there are many key words or languages you use, so you need to explain all these kind of words you use so that the reader can have a clear understanding of your work
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