FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE AMONG PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KATSINA STATE is a project that was been done by Ibrahim Buhari a studen from the university of Umaru musa katsina state the projects was based on the teachers that is factors that affect the performance of Tearchers in the area.
Table of Contents
The performance of teachers is the major input of Education quality in our schools today and what takes place in the classroom and other learning environment is equally important and needs to be investigated. This study therefore aimed at investigating the factors affecting teachers performance in public secondary schools in Katsina State. The study sought to explores how availability and use of teaching and learning resources, In service programmes availed to teachers, administrative support as well as teachers’ attitude towards teaching of affect teachers performance in the implementation of their curriculum. The research project was guided by descriptive survey design. The target population constituted 31 teachers and 20 principals in Katsina State. The target population was sampled using stratified random sampling techniques. The research instruments used were questionnaire for teachers and interview schedule for principals. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data and I presented them on tables, pie chart and calculated using percentages as well as weighted mean with the help of SPSS.The qualitative data was presented through descriptive statistics.The study used the two factor theory by Herzberg. The key findings of the study indicated that the availability of teaching and learning resources influenced to an extent the performance of teachers. The study had therefore found that the availability of resources had a strong relationship with the performance of teachers as they helped them carry their day to day activities effectively. The study also found out that in service training for teachers had a positive relationship with the performance of teacher as most of the teachers seemed to understand the benefit of these training as most claimed that they were more equipped with up to date knowledge and skills to handle the syllabus effectively. The study further found out that principals support do not considerably influence the performance of teacher as some support do not come directly from school administrators but also other stakeholders. About the attitude of teachers, the findings revealed that teachers had a negative attitude toward the teaching which subsequently affect their performance .The study recommends that more resources be provided to teachers and the schools in general.Frequent in –service training be provided to teachers in order to enrich their skills and perform the duties better.
1.1 Background to the study
Education is adopted as an instrument for effective national development and growth so as to produce citizens that are dynamic both in thought and deeds, self-sufficient, effective, united and also shown civil responsibility (National policy on education 2004 in Awoden and Oredin 2012).The increasing awareness of the important of education in the up liftmen of the individual and the societal standards has awakened in people and the nations a conscious effort as devoting their meager resources in acquiring qualitative education (Ekundayo, 2008 in Oreden and Awodene 2012).
After home, the school is the most important place for students to learn and develop their educational and social competencies. Teachers play a pivotal role in providing education to the students. Every school strives to recruit good and qualified teaching staff that can deliver quality education to its students. Only highly qualified and committed teaching staff or teachers can produce effective results by producing good quality of students, who contribute to their country in future. Therefore, it is crucial for schools to keep the talented or key teaching staff. Because only qualified teachers can give best education to the students.
Thus, for the quality of education the quality of teachers matter a lot. But if the qualified teachers are having leaving intentions from the school or teaching field, then it will have negative impact on students and school’s performance as well. Thus, it is very essential to keep the highly qualified teachers to deliver good quality of education. The teachers can be retained successfully only if they are satisfied with their jobs. The job satisfaction leads to their superior performance and retention as well. Therefore, the motivation is a mechanism through which the teacher’s can be loyal to the schools. Only motivated teachers perform well and produce good results by delivering the quality education to students. Teachers are the creators of future leaders. Thus, there is truly need indeed to keep teachers satisfy from their jobs and careers. They will not only produce good quality leaders of future but also will contribute in the development of any country by education the future generation.
Teaching performance is a way in which a teacher or instructor does their job, that is their performance may be evaluated and advice should be given as how they can improve the way that teacher performs in school. In the recent there has been growing concern over the falling standard in Nigeria which is permised on the consistant abysnal performance of student in public examination.
A number of suggested to be responsible which include poor attitude of student in learning lack of infrastructure and the teacher aids leadership and such others (Mendiyo and Ikurete, 2017)as well as motivation of teachers (Ajayi 2009 in mendiyo and Ikurete 2017).
While teaching in the class a teacher plays an important role, that is he has many things that he has to performed in the class, he has to maintains discipline in his class and keep his students busy in their studies. Actually he rules the class and controlling the class is not an easy work. He needs a harmonious atmosphere for teaching, and it depends on the teacher and how he creates interest in the subject
There are different type of leadership in schools, from a small class where monitor Is a leader, other students also enjoy several post under several other activities of their houses separately in several functions, debates ,speeches, annual sports and annual day distribution functions are managed by students under the supervision or guidance of the teacher.
On fundamental problem hindering Education in Nigeria generally and in secondary Education in Nigeria is how is how teachers professional development and performance can be more meaningfully and vigorously persued so as to lead to a teacher so as to lead to a teacher optimal productivity.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
There are many problems observed by the researcher to be affecting the education system of Nigeria at secondary school level. Teacher’s level of performance is in its poorest state. It has not been clear whether it is due to poor infrastructure, inadequate materials, poor environment, low salary, lack of satisfaction, too much workload or the community and school relationship.
As a result of the above mentioned problems, the researcher is interested in conducting this research to investigate and find out the factors affecting teacher performance as well as possible solutions to the problems. The research is intended to cover the public secondary schools in Katsina state Metropolis.
1.3 Aim and objective of the study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence teachers’ performance like availability of resources, administrative support Among the public secondary schools in katsina state specifically,
- To establish the extent to which the availability of teaching and
learning resources influences teacher performance among the public secondary schools in katsina state.
- To determine ways in which support from administrators affect teacher
Performance among the public secondary schools in katsina state.
iii. To determine ways in which in-service program influences teacher
performance among the public secondary schools in katsina state.
1.4 Research questions
The study was guided by the following research questions
- To what extent in which does the availability of teaching and learning
resources influence teacher performance ?
- In what ways does support from administration affect performance ?
iii. What is the influence of teachers attitude toward the teaching among the public secondary schools in katsina state.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The result and recommendation of this study could serve as vital information especially in terms of research to various stakeholders of Education(the educational expert that make policy and provide guidelines on educational standards) like the administrators, policy makers and training institutions about the factors that affects the performance of the teachers and also with the help of this study the administrators may be informed and make decisions on how effectively teachers implement the curriculum and how also to motivate and support the teachers.
1.6 Scope and Delimitations of the Study
The delimitation are restrictions set by researcher to mark the scope of the study Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2007)This study was purposely restricted to factors influencing teacher performance in public secondary school Among public secondary schools in Katsina state.
Therefore the findings is based on public secondary Schools. The study only focused on the availability of resources, in service training, administrative support and attitude of teachers on teaching and how its influenced their performance.
1.7 Basic assumption of the study
The following were the basic assumption of the study
- Respondent would answer and give accurate responses to the questionnaire
- Most of the teachers were assumed that had attended in service programmes on improvement of their services
iii. The sampled schools were representative of the entire population.
1.8 Operational definition of terms
- Ministry of Education: It is expected that the findings of this study will be of a great important to government through ministry of education as they will get to know about the factors affecting teacher’s motivation which in return can affect the entire teaching and learning activities in school.
- Teachers: The findings will also be of importance to teachers as they will get to know how different factors affect their motivation. This will help them to decide and adjust with the situation so as to improve in their performance.
- School management: The study will also be of importance to the management of the schools as it will highlight on the factors affecting teacher motivation. By this information, the management of the schools can come up with better ways of improving teacher motivation.
- General public: It is expected that the findings will draw the attention of the society to develop sound school-community relations and avoid looking down at teacher’s status as it reduces their level of motivation.
- In service training: –refers to short term training provided to teachers who are already in the profession to update and improve their service
- Modern teaching and learning resources: are new resources that ienhances effective teaching like computers for presentation and research, video, digital cameras, slide shows and other.
- Teacher Performance: This refers to the act of teacher accomplishing their task measured against the learning outcome of the student, completeness and accuracy and compared to the time and resources used.
- Teaching:This refersto provision of information and all activities designed to facilitate learning
- Public School: The type of schools provided and managed by government
- Job Satisfaction: This is the feelings and emotion by the teachers derived from their job (teaching) of fulfillment and enjoyment.
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